Learning and Development Workshop Service

To assist your firm in enhancing skill development and performance, HR Navigator provides a variety of corporate learning and development workshops and training program, HR training, and labour law training for non-HR staff members and the HR division, in addition to coaching, advice, and training seminars.

Professional Managerial Program

To enhance leadership and general management skills with respect to knowledge, skills, and stances that are desirable attributes of a manager performing management activities.

P.M.P. consists of becoming familiar with a broad range of concepts and approaches to management that are necessary for a person responsible for an organization (workplace) or someone who is responsible for performing a given job. And P.M.P. particularly emphasizes studying what management is through the way in which to interact with others (mainly your members).

Thus, the P.M.P. is designed for the managers of any department or section to study and learn more about the tasks (knowledge, skills, stances, etc.) that are necessary to act as an effective “contact person” within their workplace.

P.M.P. covers the essential minimum requirements a person engaged in management should perform effectively, regardless of the scale or type of organization or the kind of work involved, and is primarily designed for people in middle management positions.

When a manager carries out management activities in an organisation, he or she needs to possess a certain set of common knowledge as well as specialized knowledge, skills, and stances that are essential to performing his or her job well. Learning what constitutes the basis or foundation of such knowledge, skills, and stances from the perspective of work and people is the very essence of the P.M.P.

Ultimate HR Generalist

The Ultimate HR Generalist program gives you the knowledge, tools, and templates you need to succeed as an HR professional. From setting up policy frameworks to managing payroll, this program helps you build and execute key HR processes, navigate challenging conversations, and add value to the business.

You will discover how you can take HR’s value-adding ability to the next level as an HR generalist. You will also learn about the key responsibilities of the HR generalist and the role you play in ensuring the success of the organization. You will also learn how to use the HR Canvas model, a strategic HR management tool, to simplify the HR strategy creation process and effectively communicate HR’s contribution to business leaders.

Soft Skills

A behavior change or behavior development approach designed to address a balance of three areas: “knowledge, attitude, and skills.”

Soft skills are the personal character traits or qualities each of us has. They make us who we are, generally encompassing our attitudes, habits, and how we interact with other people.

They refer to abilities that make people better employees and open doors for many opportunities that are not directly related to the subject matter of their jobs. In other words, soft skills refer to a person’s ability to relate to others, to get him or her and others organized, and to communicate in writing, spoken, or other forms.

Soft skills include psycho-social abilities and interpersonal skills that help people make decisions, solve problems, think critically, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, demonstrate qualities of leadership and team building, manage time effectively, and cope with the stress and strain of life in a healthy and productive manner.

And today’s business is all about communication, relationships, and presenting yourself, your company, and your ideas in the most positive and impactful way. Many business people like to think that success is based on logical, rational thoughts and acts, but it is also important to remember that the human element is as important as the skills mentioned above. That is why a strong soft skill set is considered to be very important.

HRM Certificate

The HRM Certificate program gives you the knowledge, tools, and templates you need to become an HR professional.

HRM Certificate 1: Human Resource Management

HRM Certificate 2: Managing Human Resource Development Programs

HRM Certificate 3: Human Resource Strategies

Labour Law

To possess a thorough labour law awareness training of current labour laws and be able to implement them for HR development and management initiatives, system-appropriate policies and processes, internal business regulations, and HR strategy planning.